Yoga in Rishikesh, India

A ancient Ayurvedic therapy called Pizhichil, also known as "Sarvangadhara," consists of a combination of oil massage and heat treatment. Pizhichil is also known as "Sarvangadhara." The name "Pizhichil" comes from two words: "Pizhi," which means pressing or squeezing, and "Chil," which implies applying. Together, these words form the term "Pizhichil."

During the Pizhichil treatment, the person will lie on a table while hot therapeutic oil is poured over and massaged into their body. Before being put on the skin, the oil used in Pizhichil is usually an oil made from herbs that has been boiled. The massage expert gives the client a massage that is both rhythmic and coordinated. They use long, flowing strokes with little pressure on their hands.

About the Pizhichil-treatment

Pizhichil is designed to provide participants with an environment that is both nurturing and profoundly calming. The following is a list of possible advantages that come along with using Pizhichil:

  • Pizhichil is known to calm the nervous system and create a deep state of rest, both of which help reduce stress. Using warm oil and light strokes during the massage helps to create a state of calm, reduce mental stress, and calm anxious feelings.

  • Rejuvenation and revitalization: The heated oil used in Pizhichil has regeneration and revitalizing effects because it nourishes and moisturizes the skin. This helps the body feel better and gives it more energy. After using it, the skin might feel smooth, soft, and bright.

  • The combination of heat and massage that is used in Pizhichil helps to relieve discomfort in the muscles and joints by loosening stiffness, relaxing tense muscles, and breaking up adhesions. It may be of particular use to people who suffer from muscle discomfort, exhaustion, or a variety of disorders related to the musculoskeletal system.

  • The goal of Pizhichil is to bring balance to the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), which are in charge of controlling how the body works. You can change the herbal oil that is used to fix any dosha imbalances and improve your health and fitness as a whole.

Pizhichil's constant pouring of warm oil helps to stimulate blood circulation, which in turn promotes the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. This improvement in circulation is one of the benefits of the practice. It can aid in the process of detoxification and improve cellular health in general.

Pizhichil is normally carried out by experienced Ayurvedic therapists who have a profound comprehension of both the method itself as well as the particular oils that are applied. The duration of the treatment can be adjusted to suit the patient's needs, however it typically lasts between 45 and 60 minutes.

It is essential to keep in mind that Pizhichil may not be appropriate for all individuals. It is possible that patients who suffer from acute infections, fever, inflammation, or certain cardiovascular problems will require a different course of treatment or an adjustment to the one they are now receiving. It is recommended that you speak with an Ayurvedic practitioner prior to undergoing the Pizhichil treatment. This will allow you to obtain specific direction and ensure that the treatment is both safe and appropriate for you.